Instrumentl provides you with a comprehensive list of Matches. Filtering these Matches by location can help you refine your search and hone-in on the best fits.
Folks have the ability to filter by Location of project or Location of residency.
What is the difference between Location of Project and Location of Residency?
Instrumentl takes two places into consideration when matching you to funders, Location of project and Location of residency.
Location of residency is the place your organization, or your client’s organization, is based. If you’re a nonprofit, this place can be found by going to Account > Organization Profile. If you’re a consultant, this can be found by going to Account > Client Profiles.
For example, we can see the nonprofit below is registered in both New York County, New York and San Francisco County, California.
Location of project describes where the nonprofit’s project is taking place, or its service areas. You can access the place you have selected by going into "Edit project".
For example, we can see that the project takes place in both Albany County and Sonoma County.
How does it work?
When reviewing the Matches for your project, you’ll see both the Location of residency and Location of project as filtering options.
Filtering by either location will narrow down your results to funders that specifically call out that location, instead of simply calling out the broader state or country.
For our example, we can filter down our Matches to those that specifically state "Albany County, New York" in the eligibility criteria.
In other words, this will weed out national matches or state matches.
If you have two Locations of project, like in the example below, selecting both of these filtering options treats the filtering as an "OR" statement.
This means checking both boxes will narrow down our results to those that specifically call out Sonoma County OR Albany County in the project criteria.
Filtering by either Location of project or Location of residency will quickly narrow down your list to just those results that call out your specific location. Curious how to see Matches that have given to your location in the past? Check out this article here.
Contact Us 
Reach out to our friendly support team if you have any questions about using this feature. Message us via the chat bubble when you're logged in, or email us at