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Instrumentl Demo

Learn more about how Instrumentl can transform your grant work

Tracie Zamiska avatar
Written by Tracie Zamiska
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Welcome! Below is a quick overview of how Instrumentl works.

If you're looking for a deeper tour on how to use our key features, please watch: Instrumentl Guided Tutorial

If you have an account, feel free to follow along by completing these 3 tasks in your account today!

  1. ​​Add a Grant or Funder to your Tracker- so you can track historical and prospective opportunities, outside of those in your Matches

  2. ​​Add a Task - to stay on top of your next action item for a grant, such as a Reporting Deadline, or a Cultivation Task to initiate contact with funder,

  3. ​​Create a Report - to update teammates on your progress

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