Welcome! Instrumentl is a one-stop shop grant platform.
You're able to discover best-fit grants, craft winning proposals, and manage your grants all in one platform.
Below is a quick overview of how Instrumentl works.
If you're looking for a deeper tour on how to use our key features, please watch: Instrumentl Guided Tutorial
If you have an account, feel free to follow along by completing these 3 tasks in your account today!
Add a Grant or Funder to your Tracker- so you can track historical and prospective opportunities, outside of those in your Matches
Add a Task - to stay on top of your next action item for a grant, such as a Reporting Deadline, or a Cultivation Task to initiate contact with funder,
Create a Report - to update teammates on your progress
Contact Us 
Reach out to our friendly support team if you have any questions. Message us via the chat bubble when you're logged in, or email us at hello@instrumentl.com.