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What are matches?
Rebecca Huber avatar
Written by Rebecca Huber
Updated over a week ago

When you create a project on Instrumentl, we'll smart match you to relevant funders and funding opportunities! This means we scour our entire database and compile a list of funders and funding opportunities that align with your project location, field of work selections, and funding use. Read more about how to create the perfect project and get better matches here.

Funding Opportunity Matches vs Funder Matches

There are two types of matches you can receive on Instrumentl: Opportunity Matches and Funder Matches.

Opportunity Matches are matches to active RFPs in our database. They are matches to grant opportunities available to the public. Everyone on Instrumentl has access to Opportunity Matches, regardless of your plan. Read more about how to refine your Opportunity Matches here.

Funder Matches are matches to individual foundations. They help you surface good-fit funders that may not be so visible otherwise, but could be a good idea to start building a relationship with. This could include invite-only funders and/or funders that don't have websites. Funder matches don't have a public opportunity with a grant portal open on the internet and are exclusive to the Standard and Professional Plans. Read more about Funder Matches here.

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