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Standard Plan

An in-depth review of features included in the Standard Plan

Amélie Heurteux avatar
Written by Amélie Heurteux
Updated over a week ago

The Instrumentl Standard Plan includes all of the features on the Basic Plan, as well as: Calendar View, Advanced Funder Insights, Foundation Discovery, Reverse Search & Recipient Profiles, Grant Owner Assignments, Filtering by Past Giving Location, Awards View & Awards Reports, and the ability to add external URLs to your Document Library.

As of 2025, Instrumentl's database includes over 390,000+ funders and growing — including invite-only funders! With our Standard Plan, you'll gain access to a plethora of vital funder data & funder matches to uncover these invite-only funders and more good-fit opportunities. Empower your organization with tools to cultivate meaningful funder relationships.

Plan Overview

Instrumentl's Standard Plan supports 3 users and 10 projects at baseline.

PS: You can easily add more users for just $5/user/month!

  • Centralize your team's grant work with Calendar View, Grant Ownership, and Document links within your Document Library!

While logged into your account, you can identify the features available beginning on the Standard Plan by looking for the purple lightning bolt:

Standard Plan Logo with Purple Lightning Bolt

Learn more about the features the Standard Plan has in store below:




Advanced 990 Insights

Grant Owner Assignments

Filter funders by giving

Funder Matches

Calendar View

Awards View

"Reverse Search"

Document Library URLs

Awards Report

Calendar View: See all your upcoming deadlines from your Tracker in a Calendar to keep your grant prospecting organized.

Advanced Funder Insights: Get rich data analysis on a foundation’s giving preferences, including their openness to new grantees and top funding categories.

Foundation Discovery: Get intelligently matched to good fit private foundations beyond open opportunities, including those that are invite-only or don't have websites.

Recipient Profiles: Reverse search a nonprofit similar to yours to find their funders.

Grant Owner Assignments: Assign a dedicated "Owner" to each grant in your tracker, eliminating ambiguity and ensuring clear leadership for every opportunity.

Filtering by Past Giving: Quickly narrow down your matches to funders who have given to your same location historically.

Awards View: See all of your awards and their statistics in one place on your Tracker, and export these as an Awards report.

External URLs in the Document Library: Create one space for your team to see all grant resources, even if they live outside of Instrumentl.

Interested in subscribing to our Standard Plan? Get started on our plan page! You can watch the video recap below for more details!

1. Calendar View

Have you ever wanted to view your Tracker in a Calendar View? Well now you can!

Our Calendar View showcases all of your upcoming deadlines, including funder deadlines, task deadlines and submission goals, along with future funder deadlines of saved grants up to one year out.

Learn more about Calendar View here.

Filter by Specific Criteria

This Calendar View comes with all the core essentials from your Tracker. This means you can filter by project, task deadlines, or submission deadlines to get the most relevant Calendar View for you.

Filter by Project

Want to view all your upcoming deadlines for only one project? No problem! When you select Calendar View from within a project, it will only show deadlines associated with the selected project. When you select Calendar View from your All Projects Tracker, it will show deadlines associated with all of your projects.

Interactive Calendar Events

When you select Calendar View, you can easily access your funding opportunity by clicking directly on the event. This means you won’t have to spend time going back to your Tracker and finding the funding opportunity – it’s all in one place!

See Future Deadlines for Saved Grants Up to One Year Out

Calendar View also shows future funder deadlines for saved opportunities up to one year out. This means that future application cycles will appear on your Calendar, allowing you to plan for the future and win more grants.

2. Advanced Funder Insights

Instead of having to comb through 990 data yourself, Advanced Funder insights does all the data analysis for you. Now you can easily spot big picture trends about funders to save even more time when prospecting.

Looking for top tier funder & recipient Insights? Discover the exceptionally powerful capabilities of Peer Prospecting on our Professional Plan.

Evaluating your new Matches using deeper Insights

Find Advanced Funder Insights when you are going through new matches by navigating to the Funder - 990 report tab:

If the funder is a Private Foundation who has electronically filed their 990s, Instrumentl will be able to generate rich new data analytics based on past giving trends.

Scroll down the 990 report tab to see the following insights:

Openness to New Grantees

Evaluate how much a funder gave to New Grantees vs. Repeat Grantees over the years, so you can prioritize which funders should be at the top of your focus list.

Total Giving: See what % of Grantees are first time applicants over the years

See the breakdown of total awards that were given to New vs. Repeat Grantees over time. In the example above, the Ford Foundation gave 11% of awards to New Grantees over the last 3 years.

Hover over each bar to see that 35.64% of awards were given to New Grantees vs 64.36% of awards given to Repeat Grantees in 2019. If we were to find another foundation where the % given to New Grantees was even higher, we may consider prioritizing that opportunity first.

Grant Amounts: compare New grantees vs. Repeat grantees award sizes

Use the Grant Amounts to estimate how much you should ask for as a new applicant. As seen above, New Grantees were awarded a median of $15,000 by the Ford Foundation over the last 3 years.

The breakdown of funding between New vs. Repeat Grantees can also help you assess the ROI of building a relationship with this funder. The Ford Foundation’s median giving amount of $150,000 to Repeat Grantees in 2019 can be used as an indicator of the potential funding from a long term relationship with this funder.

Returning applicants can determine if they should ask current funders for more money next year based on the median grant size to Returning Grantees. In the chart above, Repeat Grantees were awarded a median of $150,000 in 2019.

Want to analyze a funder’s Openness to New Grantees? Upgrade to Standard

Trends in Giving Average and Median Amounts: Spot the big picture trends

When looking at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, their Foundation's giving median has increased over the years - going from $130,000 in 2015 up to $493,000 in 2019.

Past Grantees: Identify exactly which organizations are New grantees vs. Repeat

Easily browse through all of the individual past grantees in the "All-time" tab. Click on the individual year tabs (i.e 2019, 2018) to see the column "New Grantee?" appear. A check mark under the "New Grantee?" column signifies that organization was a first time applicant.

In the example below, 3 Arts and 3 Legged Dog were both first time applicants (and first time awardees!) of the Ford Foundation in 2019.

You can even use the search bar to parse through the Grant Purpose descriptions. In the example above, searching for "art" pulls up organizations whose grant purposes contain the word "art." Use the columns Amount, Purpose, Location, and New Grantee to see if this funder has funded similar organizations in your area, and how much was awarded.

The Past Grantee list can even give you ideas for organizations you can reach out to for tips or advice on how to build a relationship with the funder. You might even ask them for an introduction!

Giving by NTEE Code: See a funder's most popular Funding Categories

By using the IRS’ classification codes of nonprofits, spot trends like giving by category to understand what cause areas a funder likes funding most.

In the example below, see how Community Improvement & Capacity Building, along with Education are the Kresge Foundation's two most funded areas of giving.

Dig deeper into subclassifications, such as comparing Economic Development grant amounts to Community Service Clubs grant amounts - see what those subcategories Average and Median Grant amounts are.

Research insights for any Funder ad-hoc in the QuickFind

If you'd like to dig into these insights for any funder, not necessarily one that came up in your Matches, you can also pull them up by looking up any private foundation in Instrumentl's QuickFind bar in the top left corner:

Look up the funder you are interested in, and click on their 990 Reports result:

Navigate to the Contents on the right hand side, and click on the Insights you want to analyze:

The faster you can identify patterns, the faster you can prioritize the best fit funders and start focusing on building those funder relationships.

Want to see your funders’ top funding categories? Upgrade to Standard

3. Foundation Discovery

With Foundation Discovery, you get intelligently matched to good fit funders that may be invite-only or don’t even have a website! Uncover a world of funding beyond open Opportunities across foundation, corporate and government sources.

Foundation Discovery helps you surface good fit funders that may not be so visible, but those with whom you may want to start building a relationship.

Within your Instrumentl project Matches, look for the Funder Matches tab.

Relationship building is key to going after any funder. With invite-only funders, however, your funding strategy will rely on relationship building. Foundation Discovery gives you the insights and clues to completing that first outreach by providing you with the funder’s Contact Information, Key People on their Board, and who their Past Grantees are.

If you would rather exclude invite-only funders from your matches, you can filter them out by de-selecting the box “Include invite-only funders.”

Scroll down the Funder page on the right hand side to see their Application Information for instructions on if and how you can apply, their deadline, and where to send applications.

When browsing through your matched Funders, you will have immediate access to this funder’s Advanced Funder Insights, so you can see their Openness to New Grantees, Giving by NTEE Code, Past Grantees, and more - all in one place.

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Once you’ve decided whether to pursue this Funder, hit Save or Hide to move this funder out of your Matches.

With everything in one view, now your Instrumentl Matches will show you active opportunities and funders that may not be so visible, while utilizing Advanced Funder Insights to help you more quickly determine the good fit funders for your organization.

Ready to see a comprehensive list of all your top matched funders? Upgrade to Standard!

4. Recipient Profiles / Reverse Search

Easily separate Recipient Profiles from Funder Profiles and do a reverse search to find similar nonprofits to yours and see who funded them.

First, look up a nonprofit similar to yours in the QuickFind, in the top left corner of your home screen. From the QuickFind results, click on their 990 report:

To the right of the organization name, toggle down to "View Recipient Profile" and scroll down to Past Awards Received:

This represents a list of funders that funded the nonprofit — the funder's location, how much was awarded, and the purpose of that grant. From this list of new prospects, you can click on any funder name to further research its giving history and potential active opportunities in Instrumentl.

Want to take these fundraising insights to a higher level? Uncover even more data possibilities with Peer Prospecting, available to nonprofits on our Professional Plan.

5. Grant Owner Assignments

You can assign a distinct “Owner” to each grant. This helps increase collaboration across your team and reduces duplicative work, especially if you have different team members tackling different grant proposals.

To do so, click into an individual grant you’ve saved and then “Select Owner”:

You’ll be able to see who is responsible for the grant directly on your Tracker:

Filter by "Owner" by selecting the down arrow to the right of "NAME":

6. Filtering by Past Giving Location

Filter your matches down to funders that have historically given to your location.

When reviewing the matches for your project, you’ll see both "past giving to orgs with my location of project" and "past giving to orgs with my location of residency" as filtering options.

Filtering by either location will narrow down your results to funders who have given to at least one of your locations of project/residency in the past:

Learn more about filtering by past giving location here.

7. Awards View

See all of your awarded grants in one place on the Tracker, view statistics for awarded grants, and download an Awards Report.

The Tracker’s columns change slightly in the Awards tab — you'll see the most vital information for those awarded grants. You’ll also be able to see Award Statistics just above the Tracker. Last but not least, you can export your awarded grants into an Awards Report! Learn more about Awards View capabilities here.

8. External URLs in the Document Library

Attach external links in your Document Library for records that live outside of Instrumentl. This will save you time, meaning you won't have to download and re-upload files already saved in a URL.

Streamline team collaboration to make Instrumentl's Document Library your central hub for grant files!

The Standard Plan is constantly evolving — join in and uncover even more!

Take a peek at our slide deck with visual summaries of everything you'll get with the Standard Plan: Standard Plan Slide Deck.

To upgrade to the Standard Plan, log in to Instrumentl and navigate to your Pricing page.

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